Some of you know that this year the word that I have been saying, sharing and feeling a lot is the word ‘Believe.’ It IS true that some things have to be believed to be seen. Think about that for a moment. When you truly believe in something you want to do you will build what you believe you can. When you doubt it, and have hesitations chances are it is not going to happen. The power we really have as human beings is amazing. I am especially talking about the law of attraction and the law of manifestation. You bring to you what you believe you can do, create, build, and make happen.

It is true for business but also for everything else in your life too. I can honestly say that I have experienced this many times in my life. For example through the years in building my business I found that what I strongly believed in and believed in what I felt I could do is what came to pass. When I started for example I believed that there was a real need for Staging Training and I would let no one tell me otherwise. You see there was no other Home Staging training website, no other Staging Course training or a Staging Training with a Home Staging Designation, no other courses where students went to homes in class to Stage the house, no other Staging Association, and the list goes on. I had people telling me you can’t take people to houses to Stage. I will never forget being told that. Also I was told by some people that no one would join a Home Staging Association. (Let alone how many sellers through the years told me no when it came to Staging. I have heard more no’s I believe when it comes to Staging Homes than anyone else in the world. Smile me.) You might not believe just how many no’s I heard. I heard many nay say-er’s and I would not listen to anyone who said it would not

Believing in you is the most important thing of all. I have always said, ‘If you do not believe in you, then who will?’

Ken Hakuta said, “People will try to tell you that all the great opportunities have been snapped up. In reality, the world changes every second, blowing new opportunities in all directions, including yours.’ Remember that. It is true. When you can think it, you can make it happen. You can make it happen when you believe that you truly can.

I have always said ‘That believing in what you are doing is a Gift you give yourself.’

Keep on believing in all that you are and all that you want to create and do. You have the strength to achieve great things. And I know that you will.



PS  Remember it is up to us to chose to be Happy!’